Windows. How to find the Hogwarts Legacy cursed tomb treasure. A guide on how to complete Side Quest "Cursed Tomb Treasure" in Hogwarts Legacy (Harry Potter). Step 2: Find the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame and either fast travel there if you've unlocked it, or go to. The entrance to the tomb is located near the waterfall. None of the Flames are missable. Another Hogwarts Legacy Treasure Map has you seeking out a cursed tomb. It is found in a chest under an abandoned manor at West Manor Cape, and leads to a treasure hidden in the Tomb of Treachery. You can find a moth door puzzle by moving north through the tomb all the way. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. With the enemies defeated and the chest unlocked, head to the. Word: For extra data, try our Hogwarts Legacy guides and. The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest takes players on a scavenger hunt to retrieve a long-lost item. Read more about the game here. These quests will take you into the magical world of wizards and witches. Use the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame to arrive here, and head inside the underground location. Bainburgh is a working hamlet on the coastline. Locations allow players to visit the renowned sites famous throughout the Wizarding World, explore hidden and dark dungeons, or breathtaking and vast open areas, filled with NPCs and activities. Step 2 - Deciphering the Treasure Map. Use the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame to arrive here, and head inside the underground location. How to Solve the Butterfly Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. . I have crashed 5-6 times so far in the Jackdaw tomb dungeon. ; Stone steps from the map in the middle of the room. Summary. The starting quest is ‘Cursed Tomb Treasure,’ found at the crumbling manor near the West Manor Cape Floo. You have to visit this dungeon during the "Cursed Tomb Treasure" side quest. Tomb of Treachery . This video shows you how to complete the cursed tomb treasure quest, plus the collection chest that can be found for Hogwarts legacy. And the stone arrow blocks need to match the pattern of the stone. Learn how to unlock the quest, where to find the map, how to solve the floor puzzle, and what rewards you can get. Use the Mysterious Map Fragment to find the treasure. Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial one: near Jackdaw’s Tomb. Upon entering the Tomb of Treachery, keep going north until a. You can find the treasure in the Tomb of Treachery, get the cool Treasure-Seeker’s Attire, and have a magical time in Hogwarts Legacy if you follow the steps. Getting Started in Hogwarts Legacy. If you have already unlocked it, you can use the West Manor Cape floo flame to travel to the manor quickly. This Region is recommended for levels 25 to 40. To solve this you need to go to the location indicated on the treasure map, then activate 3 floor plates with Flipendo. 2. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. These leaf icons indicate that there is a Merlin Trial at the location. The tomb can be found to the north along the water that runs past Poidsear Castle. Hogwarts Legacy has 83 Floo Flame Locations (Fast Travel Points). How To Find The Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy¶ The clues within this Map Fragment point you in the direction of the Tomb of Treachery which is located between the Coastal Cavern and Poidsear Coast. Go to World Map - Manor. Moonstone Garden is also located in the Feldcroft region unlocked during “The Centaur and the Stone” relationship quest. RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: The Lost Astrolabe Quest Walkthrough Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. Tomb Of Treachery Merlin Trial near Coastal Cavern Hogwarts Legacy guide & locations. Simply activate the trial and then locate three pillars with cubes. These dungeons are called ‘cairn dungeons. Look for the large entrance to the cave nearby. Find the stone puzzle from the map in the center of the room. West of the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame. As you make your way inside, keep heading straight until you reach the room with a tomb and some. Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. This guide shows the mysterious treasure map solution location. Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest: Finding the location on the Mysterious Map Fragment. This next Merlin Trial requires the use of Flipendo. So mark the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame and fly over there. However, around the same time, the villagers of Upper Hogsfield also opted for the name 'Hogsfield', after. Regardless of restricted data, it’s nonetheless a superbly solvable treasure hunt. You can find Hogwarts Legacy Tomb of. Players would need to manually unlock each Floo Flame location. This is the Tomb of Treachery. Update Hogwarts Legacy. This map points to a location behind a waterfall at the Tomb of Treachery. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. You get the treasure map as part of that quest. The Cursed Tomb Treasure side quest in Hogwarts Legacy can be obtained by heading to Manor Glen at Manor Cape near the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. Destroy the small boulder on the left side of the puzzle room to get a hidden bone pile. Made a new guide about Tomb of Treachery Collection Chest Hogwarts Legacy: better help players complete the Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy the following guide has been updated with a video. Find the Treasure in the back of Tomb of Treachery; Required Spells For Treasure Chest; Accio: Flipendo: Incendio: Lumos:All Poidsear Coast collection chest locations Hogwarts Legacy. Search the chest. After solving the puzzle a chest would appear that you can open to claim your treasure. In this guide on Hogwarts Legacy: How to Solve the Tomb of Treachery Puzzle, we will tell you where to find the treasure map and how to find the answer to the. The search for The Tomb of Treachery - Hogwarts Legacy: Episode 19Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry. JVGS Site Hogwarts Legacy - Hogsmeade Graveyard: The Tomb of The Villager Unidentified Chest Cube Puzzle JVGS Discord htt. Pitt-upon-Ford is the southmost hamlet in the woodlands. The first two runes are back in the main room. Cursed Tomb Treasure: In Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll have lots of fun missions and quests to enjoy. With the use of several. The screenshot below shows the exact location on the Hogwarts Legacy world map: Tomb of Treachery in Hogwarts Legacy. AltChar Hogwarts Legacy: The tomb of treachery is located near the pass between two regions. Flying on a broom above the cave is unfortunately unavailable. . . . Use Wingardium Leviosa to bring the block to the metal plate on the floor in front of the treasure vault. Start on the southwest side with arrows facing right. . Hogsmeade is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. In this guide on How To Solve Cursed Tomb Treasure Treasure Map In Hogwarts Legacy we'll explain both where you can find the treasure map itself and how you can find the solution to the treasure map to finish the puzzle and claim your reward. Clagmar Coast. Locations allow players to visit the renowned sites famous throughout the Wizarding World, explore hidden and dark dungeons, or breathtaking and vast open areas, filled with NPCs and activities. The map is pointing to the Tomb of Treachery. The “Cursed Tomb Treasure” quest in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around a clue leading to a long-forgotten item. Cursed Tomb Treasure: Inferi Battle 1. To do this, you need to go to the Poidseer Castle Flue Flame. Mark the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame on your map and use your broomstick to fly there. Starting in the Manor Cape region, it has you battle two Infamous Foes and dozens. This Region is recommended for levels 10 to 30. Last but not least, the Tomb of Treachery is located far beyond the reaches of Hogwarts itself. This article is part of a directory: Hogwarts Legacy: Complete Guide & Walkthrough. Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest Rewards. Cursed Tomb Treasure Side Quest Walkthrough. Buried deep in the Tomb of Treachery is a hidden treasure locked behind a puzzle. Once you enter you will need travel through the tomb until you come across a moth door. The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in Hogwarts Legacy gives players a special appearance for their gear, provided they locate a certain chest from a map they find while exploring the open world. Clagmar Castle #2: Look for another Chest in the same area as the previous one. com A guide on how to find the solution to the Cursed Tomb Treasure Map in Hogwarts Legacy, a game about the Hogwarts years of Harry Potter. How to Solve the Tomb of Treachery Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. Screenshot by PC Invasion. See full list on ign. In this video I cover how to solve the Tomb of Treachery Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, which spell you need to use to flip the tiles, and where to find the trea. . Cragcroftshire __shortdescription__. Upon entering the Tomb of Treachery, keep going north until a. Step 3: Enter the tomb. The first step is to locate the tomb. In order to get to Marunweem Lake, you will have to go through a choke point. FancyPants Mar 8 @ 4:12am. 5. Use the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame to arrive here, and head inside the underground location. Image: Attack of the Fanboy. Location: The chest can be found inside the Ashwinder Hideout beside Hog's Head. Includes how to unlock, requirements, location, walkthrough & rewards. Here's how you can solve it in Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts Legacy Treasure Map. 1 x Collection ChestsEnter the Tomb of Treachery sidequest, supplying you with solely a map with no different instructions. Manor Cape is a Location and Region in Hogwarts Legacy. Use Flipendo to line up each stone so that the figures match the ones on the pillar below. . This involves the butterfly puzzl. Location: East of West Hogwarts Valley, in a Goblin Camp. Some you’ll visit when doing the main story, others you’ll come across in side-quests, and so on. There are 25 associated with Quests. You will do all 5 dungeons as part of main- and side quests, which you need to do anyway to finish all quests for other trophies and achievements. Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. Join. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. This guide shows how to complete the Use the Mysterious Map Fragment to find the treasure objective in the Cursed Tomb Treasure side quest in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which released on 10th February 2023. But before you can start the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest, you must have done the following: Reached Level 24. Enter the tomb and progress through it. Inside, solve a floor puzzle to retrieve the hidden treasur. am I missing something here??? could a mod be screwing with lumos' function or something???You are looking for the Tomb of Treachery. Bainburgh is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. Moonstone Garden cairn dungeon can be found in the far southern part of the Hogwarts Legacy map. Hogwarts Legacy: Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest Guide. Fast travel to Poisear Castle. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you. Internet. Starting in the Manor Cape region, it has you battle two Infamous Foes and dozens. Continue the wooden path up. . Location: Northwest of West Hogwarts Valley. The Mysterious Map Fragment shows the location of the Tomb of Treachery as well as. Directions: Head north from the Forbidden Forest Floo Flame to find the butterflies. Show more. You’ll need to go to the top of Poidsear Coast to a place on the map called the Tomb of Treachery. Make an immediate left and go down the. Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough & Guides Wiki. You should see the Collection Chest icon appear on the side. Upon entering the Tomb of Treachery, keep going north until a. Cursed Tomb Treasure walkthrough in Hogwarts Legacy. Dale Family Tomb __shortdescription__. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest: Finding the location on the Mysterious Map Fragment You’ll need to go to the top of Poidsear Coast to a place on the map called the Tomb of Treachery. To search out the Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy, gamers can quick journey to the West Manor Cape FlooThe Hogwarts Legacy guide showing how to solve the puzzle in the Tomb of Treachery needed for the Cursed Tomb Treasure side quest. Open the chest to get the Treasure-seeker’s attire. Locations in Hogwarts Legacy allow players to visit the renowned sites famous throughout the Wizarding Worlds. Gulp! Contents. This guide shows the mysterious treasure map solution location. Merlin Trial Tomb Of Treachery Hogwarts Legacy : r/ZafrostVideoGameGuide. Make an immediate left and go down the. Clagmar Castle. It is through a dungeon called Tomb of Treachery. " Fast-travel to this location and enter the tomb. Defence Against The Dark. In order to get to Poidsear Coast, you will have to go through a narrow choke point. In this guide on How To Solve Cursed Tomb Treasure Treasure Map In Hogwarts Legacy we'll explain both where you can find the treasure map itself and how you can find the solution to the treasure map to finish the puzzle and claim your reward. You need to head North to the center area of the map, where the North begins to join the South. How to solve the Tomb of Treachery Merlin Trial in Hogwarts Legacy#hogwartslegacy #merlintrials #TombofTreacheryPoidsear Coast Merlin Trial 7. Pitt-upon-Ford is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. Jackdaw's Tomb is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. The map shows the correct pattern for the tiles (Image credit: Portkey Games) To find the Cursed Tomb Treasure you need to follow the Mysterious Map Fragment to the Tomb of Treachery dungeon just. Players must carefully choose between Hogwarts Legacy's endings, as their decision directly influences the outcome of the game. Dispose of the Inferi. Before you advance any further, be sure you have level 3 of the Alohamora spell unlock to gain access to the manor. RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: The Lost Astrolabe Quest Walkthrough Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. Hogwarts Legacy, The Treasure Map. You can find the Mysterious Map Fragment and the complete Cursed Tomb Treasure side. Sedangkan, satu-satunya lokasi di Hogwarts Legacy yang memiliki ciri-ciri ini adalah The Tomb of Treachery yang ada di The Poidsear Coast. Dave Irwin Published: Feb 27,. You get the treasure map as part of. Enter the house and go to the bedroom on the second floor to find the chest. The crash happens after I clear the sentinels, and then the doorway shows up and I activate it. Once you get there, clear the poacher’s camp and search around in the back corner. 00:00 1 Poidsear Coast. . Clagmar Castle #1: Find a Bandit Camp Castle inside the Clagmar Castle. To do this, you need to go to the Poidseer Castle Flue Flame. To better help players complete the Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy the following guide has been updated with a video. The map contains the location of a chest and how to. Here you will find the Tomb of Treachery fast travel point. Grab that 100%!!! Huge thanks to Gaming with Abyss (YT) for creating thorough collectible video guides and allowing us to referenc. That’s the tomb you are looking for. After entering the tomb, proceed ahead until you reach a moth puzzle door. Objectives. Details for how to find the Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb treasure map and how to solve the block puzzle found inside the Tomb of Treachery to grab your prize. Location: Coastal Cavern, Tomb of Treachery: Tower Tunnel. From here, turn left and burn all the webs in your way with Incendio Spell. AltChar Hogwarts Legacy: The tomb of treachery is located near the pass between two regions. That’s the tomb you are looking for. Once you open the chest, you’ll be rewarded with the Treasure-Seeker’s Attire. Hogwarts Legacy has 83 Floo Flame Locations (Fast Travel Points). I. Experience Hogwarts in the 1800s. You’ll be able to unlock the door using Alohomora (Level 3). . This dungeon is located between the two mountains, just a tiny bit west of the Irondale hamlet. The Cursed. Hogwarts Legacy gameplay on PlayStation 5. Another Hogwarts Legacy Treasure Map has you seeking out a cursed tomb. The “Cursed Tomb Treasure” quest in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around a clue leading to a long-forgotten item. Screenshot by PC Invasion Go inside the manor and down the stairs, and unlock the level. 3. They can be visited in any order. the map points towards the Tomb of Treachery, on the Poidsear Coast. Cursed Tomb Treasure Location. In Hogwarts Legacy, there is a mysterious map under the old manor in Manor Glen. Tomb of Treachery When you have access to the bottom half of the map in Hogwarts Legacy, after trudging through the Coastal Cavern, if you happen upon the manor of Manor Cape, and have Alohomora level 3, you’ll be able to gain access to the manor’s basement. South Clagmar Coast. Travel there and enter at the south Floo. Make allies, battle Dark. To start this quest, you must head to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame in the Manor Cape region. Dale Family Tomb unlocks in Hogwarts Valley during a side quest called “Beeting a Curse“. Hogsmeade is one of the first villages that can be visited outside Hogwarts, as it is the closest one. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. None of the Cairn Dungeons are missable. To reach the third Merlin Trial in the Forbidden Forest, players can teleport to the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame in Hogwarts Legacy and head north. But when you finally get hold of this, it is a fantastic treasure hunt you can take as you explore the Highlands. None of the Flames are missable. This Dungeon is located in Coastal Cavern under the bridge north of the Poidsear Coast. And a large part of that is getting. HOME; FEATURED NEWS; GAMING REVIEWS; POPULAR GAMES; PLATFORMS. Fast travel to its Floo Flame and fly northwest until you find a waterfall. Once you get there, clear the poacher’s camp and search around in the back corner. It’s time to don a stylish cap to complete your outfit and truly embody the treasure-seeking adventurer within you. This article is part of a directory: Hogwarts Legacy: Complete. Use the Tomb of Treachery Floo Flame to arrive here, and head inside the underground location. The Coastal Cavern chest can be found in the Tomb of Treachery . Graphics. Two of them are gated behind story. Between Coastal Cavern and Podesear Coast, in the Tomb of Treachery, is where the treasure can be located. Another Hogwarts Legacy Treasure Map has you seeking out a cursed tomb. Hogwarts Legacy. . After you've been playing for a while in Hogwarts Legacy, you'll have the option to take on the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest, which takes place in the southern part of the world map. You'll. To better help players complete the Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy the following guide has been updated with a video. A guide to the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest, a dungeon and treasure hunt in Hogwarts Legacy. Steps to Complete the Cursed Tomb Treasure Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy. No ResultHogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure Side Quest Walkthrough (Mysterious Map Fragment Treasure Location & Solution). Dale Family Tomb. Welcome to r/HarryPotterGame! Please see our most recent moderator announcement for subreddit updates. Poidsear Castle; Phoenix mountain cave;Lower Hogsfield is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. The spiders are guarding the golden door, in which you need. To find the Cursed Tomb Treasure in Hogwarts Legacy, players can fast travel to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. In this video we are back on Hogwarts Legacy taking a look at the Hogwarts Legacy cursed tomb treasure side quest. . Starting in the Manor Cape region, it has you battle two Infamous Foes and dozens. Use the side entrance of Manor Glen that leads to the underground section. Screenshot by PC Invasion. Objectives:Open the locked chest under the. The Cursed Tomb Treasure is one of the trickiest quests players will encounter in Hogwarts Legacy as it involves deciphering a treasure map. The objective starts after you collect the Mysterious Map Fragment from the Old. . She's such a breath of fresh air, full of positive energy and always an awesome person to hang around with. comment like subscribe thanks for watchingIn this video I go to the tomb of treachery to follow a treasure mapTomb of Treachery. If you like this video,. Getting to the end of the tomb is. Defeat the enemy and loot the chest to fid. Near the entrance to the Tomb of Treachery in Poidsear Coast. This choke point is visible on the World Map. They look like green flames on walls. The tomb can be found to the north along the water that runs past Poidsear Castle. Done correctly, the bottom left and right, and top middle should be flipped over. March 1, 2023. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. Aranshire is a Location in Hogwarts Legacy. While the protagonist must attend classes and complete. You must complete the side quest first or the other keys for the other cabinets will not appear. This quest is different from the others in that you have to follow a map to complete it, and you don't receive it from an NPC. Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the universe first introduced in the Harry Potter books. Your character must be at least level 16. . The location where you can find the treasure is called the Tomb of Treachery, situated on the n…A guide to the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest, a dungeon and treasure hunt in Hogwarts Legacy. In Hogwarts Legacy, there is a mysterious map under the old manor in Manor Glen. Read on for more information about the Mysterious Map Fragment, how to use it to complete the Cursed Tomb Treasure side quest, and more!. This is where to find and get the Treasure using the map from the Cursed Tomb treasure quest. Your character should be in possession of a Flying Broom. However. On this. This tomb will have multiple spiders and a butterfly door puzzle. RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: The Lost Astrolabe Quest Walkthrough Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. This choke point is visible on the World Map. EnjoyPayPal: bc1qvuakt924ve6e4496csrye58e4lr7wq0ulw7guvEthereum:. Helm of Urtkot: Moth puzzle door 1. You'll end up in a large room that spawns several Inferi. To do this: Just open Hogwarts Legacy > Click on Settings. ; Right-click targeting recommended for precision. Once you’ve made your way into the Tomb of Treachery, you’ll need to follow the main path through before you can find the Cursed Tomb Treasure. On this page, you will find all the information. In this video we are back on Hogwarts Legacy taking a look at the Hogwarts Legacy cursed tomb treasure side quest. 63K subscribers Subscribe Share 4. The map contains the location of a chest and a solution to solve a certain puzzle. Here's how you can solve it in Hogwarts Legacy. A torn map piece found in a locked chest Cursed Tomb Treasure Gringotts letter of. Use Flipendo on the three stones. This is a guide on how to use the mysterious map fragment to find the treasure in the "Cursed Tomb Treasure" quest in the Hogwarts Legacy game. South Clagmar Coast. Hit these two first then sprint back to the third rune quickly to open the Rune Door. Nahda Nabiilah 2/22/2023. The Cursed Tomb Treasure is one of the trickiest quests players will encounter in Hogwarts Legacy as it involves deciphering a treasure map. Starting in the Manor Cape region, it has you battle two Infamous Foes and dozens. RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: The Lost Astrolabe Quest Walkthrough Tomb Of Treachery The red X on the map depicts the location of the Tomb of Treachery, shown above. Head east from the Brocburrow Floo. The Cursed Tomb Treasure Side Quest in Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Legacy is now. Once you have reached the location shown in the above picture, use fire to light the pot in front of. How to solve All Poidsear Coast Treasure Vaults Puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. There are 140 in all, which are broken down into the following categories: There are 16 you can buy from Vendors. You need to head North to the center area of the map, where the North begins to join the South. We have broken down the puzzles into five steps: locating the tomb, solving the floor panel, solving the wall puzzle, solving the gold door and solving the pressure plate puzzle. Right here’s easy methods to clear up the Tomb of Treachery puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. In this guide, we have provided a step-by-step guide to solving the puzzles and secrets of the Cursed Tomb Treasure Tomb of Treachery in Hogwarts Legacy. Floo Flames also acts as fast travel shrines players will encounter as they explore the Wizarding World, it is the game's fast travel system that is also a vital element in progressing through the story and discovering area. Cursed Tomb Treasure. Use the Flipendo spell to turn the rocks over. Without a shadow of a doubt, the best and most worthwhile activity in Hogwarts Legacy’s open world are the Merlin Trials. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. The ruined stone archways and waterfall drawn here is located at the Tomb of Treachery. A chest appears. When you have access to the bottom half of the map in Hogwarts Legacy, after trudging through the Coastal Cavern, if you happen upon the manor of Manor Cape, and have Alohomora. The Tomb of the Villager Hogwarts Legacy Location Guide. Tomb of Treachery. You can find it inside a crypt surrounded by Ashwinders. . If you didn't choose Slytherin as your starting house, you may be wondering how to reach the dungeons and explore what you can. Sunday, November 12, 2023. Hogwarts Legacy - Solve the Cursed Tomb of Treachery Puzzle (Curse Tomb Treasure Quest) Mr. To find the Cursed Tomb Treasure you need to follow the Mysterious Map Fragment to the Tomb of Treachery dungeon just below where you enter the south side of the map via the Coastal Cavern. You first must find a cabinet and then locate a flying key nearby. The Harry Potter. Inside, head all the way north through the tomb and you'll reach a moth door puzzle. This map points to a location behind a waterfall at the Tomb of Treachery. Keep heading north from the Aranshire waypoint to arrive at Hogsmeade Station. The Tomb of the Villager is situated in the northern section of the Hogsmeade Map. You can light the brazier, which causes the statue to turn around and grant access to a dungeon underneath. You can pick up the chest’s. The Enigma of the Cursed Tomb. The side quest begins once you’ve gotten your hands on the map. For more on the popular action RPG, check out our guides covering the Room of Requirement location and tracking down the Daedalian Keys. Find the treasure map in th. Head inside the cave. Here you must go inside the manor, take the stairs down, and then down again until you reach a door where you must cast your level. Enter the gated manor then head inside the ruined house to find a set of stairs leading down to the basement. The first step is to locate the tomb. The first step in completing the Cursed Tomb Treasure side quest is to find the locked chest. Use Flipendo on the three stones. Even collectible types that don’t directly give a achievement are tied to challenges which then unlocks a collectible. r/HogwartsLegacyGaming. Tomb of Treachery; Poidsear Coast. This Merlin Trial is one of the. The Enigma of the Cursed Tomb. Your character should be in possession of a Flying Broom. So I'm doing the cursed tomb treasure map, and when I get to the Tomb of Treachery the moths won't follow me when I cast lumos. The Mysterious Map Fragment is a quest item in Hogwarts Legacy that you can find within Manor Glen. Check out our Hogwarts Legacy guide to collect all the collectibles in the game. In Hogwarts Legacy you must use the Mysterious Map Fragment to find the treasure for Side Quest: Cursed Tomb Treasure. To view the full Hogwarts Legacy playthrough watch here: In this Harry Po. The “Cursed Tomb Treasure” quest in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around a clue leading to a long-forgotten item. From there, use Accio on the wall block across the hole to pull down a drawbridge. Tomb of Treachery. Look around to the upper right and you should see a switch you can pull. Jackdaw's Tomb __shortdescription__.